Countries That Banned Vaping: A List of Vape Laws Around the World thumbnail image

Countries That Banned Vaping: A List of Vape Laws Around the World

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Author: Andres RomanDecember 14, 2022

As vaping continues to grow in popularity, countries around the world have adopted various laws and regulations to control its use. Some nations have outright banned vaping, while others have implemented strict regulations. This article provides a comprehensive list of countries that have banned vaping and a brief overview of vape laws worldwide. 

Table of Contents:

  1. Why Do Countries Ban Vaping?
  2. Vape Laws Around the World
  3. Conclusion

Why Do Countries Ban Vaping

There are two major reasons why vaping is banned in some countries. The most important reason is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed vaping to be “harmful to health and not safe” ; they also recommend that the use of e-cigarettes is banned everywhere and, if not banned, that they be regulated. 

The second major reason many countries have banned vaping is that there are no long-term vaping studies that can conclusively determine that vaping is completely safe. Because of these two major reasons, many countries have either tried to ban vaping or have gone on to regulate the sale and advertising of e-cigarettes.

Countries That Banned Vaping

  • Argentina
    • Vaping products are prohibited from being imported, sold, and advertised. The National Administration of Drugs, Foods, and Medical Devices (ANMAT) enforces this ban.
  • Brazil
    • Vaping is banned entirely. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) prohibits the sale, importation, and advertisement of e-cigarettes.
  • Brunei
    • Vaping is illegal, with strict penalties for possession and use. Importing e-cigarettes is also banned.
  • Cambodia
    • The Ministry of Health bans the sale, import, and use of e-cigarettes. Enforcement is strict, with fines and confiscation of products.
  • India
    • The sale, production, import, and advertisement of e-cigarettes are banned nationwide. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare enforces these laws.
  • Mexico
    • Vaping products are banned from import and sale. The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS) enforces this prohibition.
  • Nepal
    • The import, sale, and use of e-cigarettes are prohibited. The Department of Drug Administration enforces these regulations.
  • Qatar
    • Vaping is banned, with strict penalties for possession and use. Importing e-cigarettes is also prohibited.
  • Singapore
    • E-cigarettes are banned, including the import, sale, and possession. The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) strictly enforces these laws.
  • Seychelles
    • The sale, import, and use of e-cigarettes are banned. Authorities enforce these regulations with fines and confiscation.
  • Sri Lanka
    • Vaping is banned, with restrictions on the sale, import, and use of e-cigarettes. The National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol enforces these laws.
  • Thailand
    • The sale, import, and possession of e-cigarettes are banned. Violations can result in fines and imprisonment.
  • Turkey
    • E-cigarettes are banned from sale and import. The Ministry of Health enforces these regulations.
  • Turkmenistan
    • The sale and use of e-cigarettes are banned. Importation is also prohibited.
  • Uganda
    • The sale, import, and use of e-cigarettes are banned. Enforcement is strict, with penalties for violations.
  • Vatican City
    • Vaping is banned entirely within the city-state.

Vape Laws Around The World

While some countries have opted for outright bans, others have chosen to regulate vaping more moderately. Here's a brief overview of vape laws in various regions:

While some countries have opted for outright bans, others have chosen to regulate vaping more moderately. Here's a brief overview of vape laws in various regions:

  • United States
    • The FDA regulates e-cigarettes as tobacco products. States and localities have their own regulations, including age restrictions, flavor bans, and public usage limitations.
    • Vape Laws in the United States: State-by-State Overview
      • The regulation of vaping products in the United States varies widely from state to state. While the federal government, through the FDA, oversees the general regulation of e-cigarettes as tobacco products, individual states have enacted their own laws to address sales, usage, and advertising. This article provides a comprehensive overview of vape laws in the various states across the U.S.
      • Alabama
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Alaska
        • Age Restriction: Must be 19 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Arizona
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Arkansas
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor public places, including restaurants and bars.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • California
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor public places, workplaces, and within 25 feet of entryways.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Colorado
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor public places, workplaces, and within 25 feet of entryways.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Connecticut
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor public places, workplaces, and within 25 feet of entryways.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Delaware
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor public places, workplaces, and within 25 feet of entryways.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Florida
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in indoor workplaces and public places.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Georgia
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Hawaii
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Idaho
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: No statewide restrictions, but local regulations may apply.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Illinois
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Indiana
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Iowa
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Kansas
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Kentucky
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Louisiana
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Maine
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Maryland
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Massachusetts
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Michigan
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Minnesota
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Mississippi
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Missouri
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Montana
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Nebraska
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Nevada
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • New Hampshire
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • New Jersey
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • New Mexico
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • New York
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • North Carolina
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • North Dakota
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Ohio
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Oklahoma
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Oregon
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Pennsylvania
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Rhode Island
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • South Carolina
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • South Dakota
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Tennessee
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Texas
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Utah
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes. Restrictions on the sale of flavored e-cigarettes.
      • Vermont
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Flavor Ban: Sale of flavored e-cigarettes is banned.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Virginia
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Washington
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in all places where smoking is banned, including indoor public places and workplaces.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • West Virginia
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Wisconsin
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
      • Wyoming
        • Age Restriction: Must be 21 or older to purchase.
        • Public Usage: Vaping is prohibited in schools and childcare facilities.
        • Retail Regulations: Retailers must obtain a license to sell e-cigarettes.
    • Conclusion
      • The regulation of vaping products in the United States varies significantly by state. While some states have opted for more stringent controls, including flavor bans and public usage restrictions, others have less restrictive measures focusing primarily on age restrictions and licensing requirements for retailers. It is crucial for vapers and businesses alike to stay informed about the specific laws in their respective states to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.
  • Canada
    • Health Canada regulates vaping products, ensuring they meet safety standards. There are restrictions on advertising, flavoring, and age requirements.
  • European Union
    • The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) governs e-cigarettes, setting standards for safety, labeling, and advertising. Nicotine strength is limited to 20 mg/ml, and tanks are limited to 2 ml.
  • Australia
    • Vaping laws vary by state. Generally, nicotine e-cigarettes require a prescription, and non-nicotine products are regulated differently.
  • New Zealand
    • The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 governs vaping, allowing the sale of nicotine e-cigarettes with age restrictions and advertising limitations.
  • Japan
    • Nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are regulated as pharmaceutical products. Non-nicotine e-cigarettes are legal but subject to other regulations.
  • South Korea
    • Vaping is legal but heavily taxed. There are restrictions on advertising and public use.
  • China
    • The world's largest producer of e-cigarettes has complex regulations. Vaping is legal, but there are advertising and sales restrictions.
  • Russia
    • Vaping is legal, with regulations similar to tobacco products. There are restrictions on advertising and use in public places.
  • Saudi Arabia
    • Vaping is regulated similarly to tobacco, with age restrictions and public usage limitations.
  • United Arab Emirates
    • Vaping was banned but is now legal under strict regulations. There are restrictions on advertising and age requirements.
  • Israel
    • Vaping is legal but regulated similarly to tobacco products, with advertising restrictions and age requirements.
  • Malaysia
    • Vaping laws vary by state. Generally, nicotine e-cigarettes are regulated, and there are restrictions on sales and advertising.
  • Indonesia
    • Vaping is legal but subject to high taxes and regulations on advertising and public use.
  • Philippines
    • Vaping is legal, with regulations on age restrictions, advertising, and public usage.
  • South Africa
    • Vaping is legal but regulated, with proposals to align regulations more closely with tobacco laws.
  • Brazil
    • Vaping is banned entirely, with strict enforcement.
  • Argentina
    • Vaping is banned entirely, with strict enforcement.
  • Mexico
    • Vaping is banned from import and sale, with strict enforcement.
  • India
    • Vaping is banned entirely, with strict enforcement.


Vaping regulations vary significantly across the globe. Some countries have embraced vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking, implementing moderate regulations to ensure safety and prevent youth access. Others have taken a more cautious approach, opting for outright bans to protect public health. Understanding these laws is crucial for travelers and businesses operating in the global market. Always check the local regulations before using or importing vaping products to avoid legal issues.

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