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Vape Trends for 2022

Estimated 0 min read

Author: Andres RomanDecember 14, 2022

From more powerful disposables to more widespread use of synthetic nicotine, below you will find five trends we believe have a high probability of occurring in the vaping world in 2022.  

Table of Contents:

  1. More Hybrid Devices
  2. More Powerful Disposables
  3. More Widespread Use of Synthetic Nicotine
  4. Regulation Challenges
  5. The Birth of the United States Black Market
  6. Conclusion

More Hybrid Devices

If technological trends continue to take shape as they have in middle and tail end of 2021, it’s very likely that we will continue to see more hybrid devices being developed. We are of course talking about the blurred lines between pod systems and box mods, known as pod mods. With pod mods your customers can switch between MTL and DTL vaping styles, meaning they get the power of a box mod in terms of watts but with the size of a pod system which can easily be carried in a pocket, purse, or bag. One of these examples is the SMOK RPM 2 Pod Mod Kit. 

SMOK RPM 2 Pod Mod Kit

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The SMOK RPM 2 Pod Mod Kit is a powerful hybrid pod device that has a powerful 2000mAh integrated battery that outputs 80W of power, and its dimensions are fairly small, which means you only need one hand to hold it and it can easily store in your pocket or purse. With the ability to change between MTL and DTL vaping, the device comes with two RPM coils, perfect for when you want to vape nicotine salts or when you prefer traditional vape juice. With an incredible 7ml of e-liquid, this device is available in six different colors. If you want to offer your clients the new wave of hybrid devices, the SMOK RPM 2 Pod Mod is a great offering. 

More Powerful Disposables

Another trend we noticed at the tail end of 2021 was that the industry seems to be moving toward more powerful disposable devices that come with new features and better build quality. For instance, we noticed that it is now common to see disposables with airflow control, more puff counts, anti-counterfeiting technology, and even some manufacturers providing a recycling program for their vapes. The last feature, which extended the life of disposables and will probably be seen across the board, is the fact that many disposables now can be recharged and every drop of the vape juice can be used. Before there might have been instances where the battery died and your disposable still had vape juice left, but with the rise of rechargeable disposables, this will be a thing of the past. One example of these disposables is the Rare Mega Rechargeable Disposable Vape Pen. 

Rare Mega Rechargeable
Disposable Vape Pen

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The Rare Mega Rechargeable Disposable Vape Pen represents exactly where disposables seem to be headed. It features an incredible puff count of 5500, is available in six flavors, and comes with a very powerful 1000mAh integrated rechargeable battery. It also holds an incredible 12ml of e-liquid. Of course the size suffers here a bit, since the device is a bit bigger, but it remains small enough to fit in a pocket or purse without taking too much space.

More Widespread Use of Synthetic Nicotine

As a vape shop owner you’re probably aware of the rise of synthetic nicotine. It has been used for the last six months to create vape juices that live in a legal grey area where the jurisdiction of the FDA seems to be in question. This is why more and more companies who have been denied PMTAs or that did not have enough resources to apply for a PMTA have made the switch to synthetic nicotine, also known as tobacco free nicotine, because it has allowed them to continue selling their products. And in 2022 we believe that this trend will only become more common and as the FDA denies more and more PMTAs, companies are being left with only two choices, close up shop or manufacture synthetic nicotine products, with the latter being the trendy option most companies seem to be making. 

Regulation Challenges

Although synthetic nicotine seems to provide a temporary solution, it won’t be long before new regulations are written that will stop the widespread use of synthetic nicotine as an alternative to natural nicotine derived from tobacco leaves. Because of this we foresee that in 2022 this trend of regulations (at least in the United States) that try to prohibit vaping in all its forms will continue to grow,which is why now more than ever it is paramount that vape manufacturers, vape shop owners, and vapers all come together to fight for their right to vape. By joining organizations like CASAA, you can stay informed and join the calls to action that will benefit the future of vaping in the United States. 

The Birth of the United States Black Market

Sadly, another trend that could occur in 2022, if all vaping and flavors are made illegal in the United States because of harsh regulations, is the rise of a black market that will put vapers at risk. With legitimate players out of the market, poorly made products, many which will be home made, will become commonplace and vapers who might have been able to acquire their vape juices from companies who went to great lengths to create sterile environments that are ISO and GMP compliant will be replaced by cheap imitations that could end up being a danger to the health of vapers everywhere. 


While it’s hard to predict the future,  we think these trends, both the positive and negative ones, have a high chance of occurring in 2022, but whatever happens in 2022, we believe this year will be pivotal for the future of vaping in the United States.

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