Jelly Space Series Delta 8 Gummies


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Pack Count Pieces Strain/Flavor Strength Price Stock Quantity
10 Pack 20 Pieces Neptune Berry 300MG $ 1000
10 Pack 20 Pieces Pluto's Peaches 300MG $ 1000
10 Pack 20 Pieces Space Melon 300MG $ 1000
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VapeRanger is a vape distributor of Jelly Space Series Delta 8 Gummies including other vaping products by Jelly. All Vape Juice, Vape Mods, Disposable Vapes, TFN Vape Products, Pod Systems, and accessories ship directly from the manufacturer or from a distributor who purchased from the manufacturer. We offer the largest online selection of e-juice/e-liquid, vape juice, vaping hardware, and other vaping supplies.

Users can now experience the ultimate cosmic adventure with Not Your Bakery Delta 8 THC Gummies Space. These wholesale gummies are infused with Jelly Delta 8 THC, delivering an extraordinary and intense high. 

Each bag contains 20 gummies, packed with 300mg of Delta 8 THC, resulting in a mind-blowing total of 6000mg per bag. With 5 bags included in each pack, you'll have an abundance of these extremely high-potency treats your customers can use to elevate their senses and their relaxation to new dimensions. Indulge in the tantalizing flavors, unwind, and explore the extraordinary with Not Your Bakery Delta 8 THC Gummies Space.

Not Your Bakery Delta 8 THC Gummies Space Features:

  • Jelly Delta 8 THC Infused Gummies.
  • 20 Gummies, 300mg each x Bag.
  • 6000mg Total x Bag.
  • 5 Bags x Pack.
  • **Extreme High Potency**

Not Your Bakery Delta 8 THC Gummies Space Flavors:

  • Neptune Berry: Dive into a sweet symphony of succulent berries from the depths of the cosmic ocean.
  • Pluto's Peaches: Experience the tantalizing taste of sun-ripened peaches that are truly out of this world.
  • Space Melon: Blast off with the luscious and refreshing flavor of juicy melon, straight from the farthest reaches of the universe.