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Cooling CBD Salve Balm by The Helping Friendly

The Helping Friendly

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50MG $ 997
200MG $ 999

VapeRanger is a vape distributor of Cooling CBD Salve Balm by The Helping Friendly including other vaping products by The Helping Friendly. All Vape Juice, Vape Mods, Disposable Vapes, TFN Vape Products, Pod Systems, and accessories ship directly from the manufacturer or from a distributor who purchased from the manufacturer. We offer the largest online selection of e-juice/e-liquid, vape juice, vaping hardware, and other vaping supplies.

For those who prefer a more traditional topical. Ingredients: hemp seed, coconut, and avocado oils is infused with 200MG of 99.5% Pure Hemp Oil Extract CBD, natural beeswax. arnica, eucalyptus Oil, wintergreen and camphor, which makes this a popular topical in the athletic community.